PREMIERE: Girl Band - 'De Bom Bom'

PREMIERE: Girl Band – ‘De Bom Bom’

Following in the footsteps of Girls, Women and Queen, Dublin’s Girl Band are actually solely comprised of men, the jokers. Another trick they’ve managed to pull off with new single “De Bom Bom” is mastering the art of sounding simultaneously like they give less than no fucks while also sounding like they’re about to torch your house in a mad fit of adolescent rage.

In fact, with a title that sounds a bit like a pic’n’mix sweet or that “Little Drummer Boy” Christmas song (“rom pom pom pom pom” etc), you could say that Girl Band have pretty much foiled us left, right and centre.

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A mass of antsy, frenetic drums and fuzzed up bass, the track is all spat over by singer Dara Kiely, whose angrier moments sound a bit like Viv from The Young Ones IRL. There’s also a brilliant bit where Kiely just repeatedly slurs “no… no… no…” as though the effort of even having to turn you down is a total drag.

At least the one blindingly obvious thing about Girl Band is that this is fucking great.