Shift K3Y: "Touch"

Shift K3Y: “Touch”

Sometimes, when I’m not sitting here writing blurbs for track premieres, I like to go out on the weekend and DJ really badly at other people’s parties so they give me free drinks. For the last two years or so, all I’ve really played is Shift K3Y remixes of R&B songs. I know that putting trap drums on Destiny’s Child songs seems kind of done, but Shift K3Y is very very good at it. If you don’t believe me, check out his Soundcloud of wall to wall bangers.

Anyway, Shift K3Y has been doing some of his own production recently and, as expected, it’s joyous house and garage tunes with a bunch of great vocalists. His latest is “Touch”, which features vocals from Shift himself, and it’s the sorta song that will make you change your Friday night attitude from “might just have a quiet one” to “let’s take a fist full of street drugs and go to that thing your mate’s mate mentioned last week”.

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Well done everyone.

It’s out March 16th but why wait till then when you pre-order it RIGHT NOW.