This story is over 5 years old.


Here's that Picture of Tyler, the Creator Photobombing Donald Trump that Everyone's Been Talking About

So good.

The Internet damn near exploded when this image hit last night. It's originally from Tyler, the Creator's Instagram feed (@feliciathegoat, because obviously), and as with the best Instagrams, it's just mindblowing as fuck. It exists because Tyler, the Creator performed on Jimmy Fallon last night, and Trump was the guest. But yeah, this is pretty much perfect.

I like to imagine that this was totally preplanned, with Taco setting the Trump Trap as Tyler jumped in the frame at the last second for the photobomb. Bonus points go to Donald Trump's face, because he obviously has no idea who this dude is, which means "Soulless Used Car Salesman Smile" is just his default face in pictures. Donald Trump is giving a thumbs up because he has never met a young person. His hair looks immaculate, the perfect combination of cotton candy and golden fiberglass insulation. It's actually kind of the same color as the chain that Tyler has on, which is a nice detail that I like to think was also preplanned.

Watch the video of the performance, featuring a new track called "Treehome" followed by "Domo 23" below.

UPDATE: Our friend Duncan was there, and managed to take a selfie with Trump.

Drew Millard also wears a hairpiece. He's on Twitter - @drewmillard