
Drake Really, Really, Really Likes Karaoke

Last year, we reported that Drake was spotted at Sing Sing Karaoke on 1st Ave. in Manhattan. In our investigative report, we found out he rented a private room around 2 a.m. with his mini-entourage. Unfortunately there was no video evidence of the night.

Late last night, Drake posted two absolutely amazing videos of his crew doing karaoke, including a beautiful rendition of Rihanna’s “Diamonds” by OVO kingpin, CJ Gibson, and the crew performing “Heartless,” because him and Kanye are now BFFS.

Videos by VICE

In the last report, we observed “Meanwhile, a sloppy drunk 40-year-old dude thought rapping over Rihanna songs may get Drake’s attention. It didn’t.” Well, maybe we were wrong.

We did some research this morning and it looks like Drake has been at SingSing a few times—and we’re basing this solely off of the fact that Drake is wearing two different outfits in photos taken at SingSing. One of which is by our previous source, and another from a Tumblr we found. However, we have a hunch that this was actually at Sing Sing Miami as the private room looks a hell of a lot nicer than the Manhattan locations and because Drake was spotted at Everglades High School two days ago—which is in Miramar, Florida.

Whatever, we found Drake’s favorite pasttime. For a man who has a STRIPPER POLE in his house, you’d think he’d invest in a karaoke room at this point.

So, let’s break down the videos:

First up: The video of “Heartless”—is that Drake singing? Or is he recording? Or is he doing both?

I guess the most confusing thing about this video is, in a world where artists release lyric videos like no tomorrow, why do karaoke lyric videos still pretty much suck—is that a pelican? Why a bird? Is Kanye a bird? If Kanye’s a bird, Drake’s a bird—do you think either of them have ever watched The Notebook?

Moving on—IS THIS A PLEA TO GET RIHANNA BACK? Just kidding, this is Noisey, not MediaTakeOut so we are obviously more concerned with the general pitch of CJ’s vocals and how it sounds, vocally. Hehehe. Anyway, here’s “Diamonds.”

First things first: DRAKE’S CACKLE. Please, dear God, stop smoking hookah as it is obviously affecting your vocal chords. Additionally, he tagged RiRi’s bestie Melissa Forde who has since deleted her Instagram…

What does this all mean? It means Drake is just like us: he loves drunk karaoke. Speaking of which, Noisey’s Managing Editor Eric Sundermann is currently sitting next to me hungover after a night of belting out “Mr. Brightside” at a karaoke bar in Brooklyn. Happy Wednesday.

If you were at karaoke last night with Drake, find Lauren on Twitter and tell her about your experience@LAURENcynthia