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Stream the Self-Titled Cassette from Total Love, Beach Pop from... Toronto?

Streaming in full for a limited time, breezy and fun for much much longer.

Imagine yourself in jeans and a Burger Records t-shirt in a backyard during SXSW with a 16 oz. can of Budweiser in your hand. All your best friends are there. You’re awkwardly dancing next to someone who you want to have sex with, nodding along to the band, but really only paying attention to how your forearms keep brushing against each other. That is Total Love.

Toronto’s Total Love is like listening to indie North America on repeat, from the band’s name to the jangly upbeat guitars to the reverb on the vocals to the lyrics about not wanting to go to work, summertime, and heterosexual love. I’m not sure if a name for this genre of music has been coined, but if it has, let's assume it’s called beach pop. It’s carefree, well-written, poppy rock music, immediately catchy and easy to listen to. Stream the self-titled cassette in full and order yours now on tape or via iTunes.