This story is over 5 years old.


Premiere: Breeze & Teeze Smoke a Bible Passage in the Video for "4:16"

The Toronto rap duo get dark and woozy with their introduction to the music scene and their first ever music video.

Anyone who has ever turned all the way up in a friend's gargae can probably relate to the new video for "4:16" from Toronto rap duo Breeze and Teeze. Someone brings some Olde English, someone else provides the weed, and the next thing you know, you're staring in a rap video with all your friends. The video for "4:16" features the rappers going back and forth over spooky production and what sounds like a guzheng being strummed, which would make this a very Toronto video indeed. So roll up a bibble passage and watch as Breeze and Teeze throw the coolest garage party this side of Scarborough.