This story is over 5 years old.


Stream Austin Punks Ghetto Ghouls’ New Album ‘Collisions’

It's music that you would expect coming from a band that contains two members who work at a place called Beerland.

Though their name may bring to mind the mohawked, chain walleted pop punk that Lookout records released in the 90s, Austin’s Ghetto Ghouls are after the street gang that steals beer and beats up old ladies in the Vietnam-vet vigilante film The Exterminator. Their sound is beefed up but also in line with the swing of 80s home town punk heroes the Big Boys. It's music that you would expect coming from a band that contains two members who work at a place called Beerland.


Following last year’s debut album and 7” on local label12XU, the band have just released their second LP Collisions on another local label Monofonus Press.

Tracks like "Complications" and "Mountain" work with a '10-minutes before the beer store closes' urgency. The songs are gruff and uncouth but also have a melodic structure that helps them stand out from the 'baseball hat garage/noise rock' herd.

We had a chat to vocalist Corey Anderson.

Noisey: Is it true that you have been in a band together since you were 14?
Corey Anderson: Partially true. Ian and I were in a band together when we were 14 called The Rubberneckers. I don’t know if I’ll call it a band actually. We would mostly just play Ventures covers or make something up that sounded like them.

Rank best to worst these bands that you have been compared to: The Dicks, Parquet Courts, Spray Paint.
The Dicks, Dick Spray, Parquet Paint.

Is “IOU Crimes” a song about not paying your debts? What is the price to pay for not paying your debts?
It’s about a time that I was ripped off by an old landlord. The price is negotiable at this point, Eddie. I think an apology will do. Gotta forgive you know? That’s what a reptilian would do.

Your music has been described as sweaty and muscly. Are either of these descriptors true of your physical appearances?
Everybody is sweating in Austin right now. It’s 10:30 pm and 90°F. At least that’s what showed up after typing “temperature” into Google. We’re not muscular.

I see you have a couple of ‘Need Help’s on your upcoming tour itinerary. What is the usual response to these?
Nobody cares. Why should they?

'Collisions' is available now through Monofonus Press.

Catch Ghetto Ghouls at one of these shows:
Aug 6 New Orleans at Siberia
Aug 7 Mobile at Blind Mule
Aug 11 Richmond at En Su Boca
Aug 13 Philadelphia at Kung Fu Necktie
Aug 14 New Brunswick at House Show
Aug 15 NYC at Shea Stadium
Aug 16 NYC at Silent Barn
Aug 20 Cleveland at Now That’s Class
Aug 21 Detroit at UFO Factory
Aug 22 Chicago at Wally’s World
Aug 23 Memphis at The Buccaneer
Aug 24 Denton at J&J’s