
Coachella 2016 Style Special: Party Animals

All photos by The1point8

Ah Coachella, you glorious bastion of #underbutt, you. Our favorite gratuitous festival style trend returned to the polo field this year, along with the requisite flower crowns, crochet, and animal onesies.

Videos by VICE

This year’s twist on wearing as little clothing as possible was all about lace, leotards, and strappy looks—think the “Partition” video as styled by Die Antwoord and shot on the set of Mad Max, plus some unfortunate tanlines. But like we’ve said, it’s ok to be nearly naked as long as you cover half your face, and the never-ending dust storm made for some strong bandana game.

Also, get to your nearest Claire’s as soon as you can, because glitter is BACK, baby—chest glitter, face glitter, beard glitter, mustache glitter, and, my personal nightmare, glitter on your scalp and hair part. Don’t you know people send glitter bombs to their enemies, that’s how difficult it is to remove? Anyway, it looked great.

Without further ado, here’s what the beautiful people of Coachella were rocking in 2016: