
  • Panda to Sochi: Day 13

    A short trip from Kherson du Mariupol, still travelling through the Ukraine, along the Black Sea to the Russian border. We found some distraction with vodka and dare games!

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 12

    A second day in Odessa has started. We bribed the police with a Juventus tricot shirt, before we entered a complete parallel world.

  • Panda to Sochi: Sibiu on Video

    On our way from Budapest to Romania we found a perfect spot to dirt jump on with the BMX.

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 11

    Odessa, the coldest place we have ever been to cought our attention! We did some stunts in an abandoned amphitheatre and no one here bothers about things going on in Kiev.

  • Panda to Sochi: Budapest on Video

    I became partner in crime with east-european proably finest female street-artist, also called Miss KK. We are hooked with Budapest for other reasons too. See why!

  • Panda to Sochi: Vienna on Video

    Watch our ride that leads to subterranean skate parks, hot BMX spots and a guy that looks just like the mutant child of Sideshow Bob and the police dude from The Village People.

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 9

    The road had show us his friendly face far too long it seems. Finally the truth is coming through and he unveils his angry face. Welcome to Ukraine!

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 6

    Touring Vienna's basement skate bowls and graffiti spots.

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 5

    Today we had a very long drive from Bavaria to Vienna. And we had the perfect weather to leave the Alps (not). But Vienna welcomed us very good—with a riot in the Inner City...

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 4 on video

    A roadtrip without some offroad-action is not a roadtrip. And a trip without the epiphany is not a trip... Guys, we met Jesus!

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 3 on video

    Waking up in Geneva, looking for good spots to ride and thinking about swiss fondue. All that happened but moreover I suddenly became Pipi Longstocking. And you don't have to rely yourself on our word—as of now, we also have it on camera. Check it out!

  • Panda to Sochi: Day 2

    This day was full of car tunnels and athletic stunts. But moreover I realised that we are writing history! See why.