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Marika Hackman Heads to End of the Road

We caught up with a freshly shat on Marika Hackman as she preps for End of the Road festival.

Sorry everyone but I’m gonna go there and say summer’s nearly over. It’s getting dark at half six and wearing flip flops is only going to make you look like a university jock. For those foolhardy optimists who want to cling onto the waning rays of “sunlight”, what better way than to do it surrounded by wild animals on a National Trust site. End of the Road is, as the name would suggest, one of the final festivals of the summer, and it’s got a stellar line-up, including Sigur Ros, Belle & Sebastian and Eels, which is sure to coax you out of your hotpants and into your seasonal Ugg boots. I reminisced about festivals past with Marika Hackman, whose playing the Tipi Top Stage on Sunday.


Noisey: Hey Marika, how’s tricks?

Marika: Good thanks, I’m in the studio, though I’ve just come outside and a bird has just shat on my head, which is annoying.

That is rank. Isn’t it supposed to be good luck?

I heard that, but I don’t feel lucky currently.

So you’re playing End of the Road- have you been before?

Nope, this is my first time.

Who are you going to try and see?

I really really hope I can catch Warpaint. The last time I saw them was about three years ago, just before their album came out. Wolf Alice are another band I’ve been meaning to catch for ages.

I’ve heard there’s alot of peacocks milling about the site.

No way, really? That’s pretty cool.

Yeah. Keep an eye out. How’s your year been for festivals anyway?

Long! It started in March, with SXSW, which I guess is a festival, but didn’t really feel like one at all. There’ve been loads, but Great Escape was a highlight. I was so surprised at the number of people who turned up. It was in a church and was just perfect.

Who’ve you seen that’s stood out for you this festival season?

I saw The Staves at Blissfields and was really impressed. They’re playing End of the Road. They absolutely nail their vocal harmonies.

We featured you in our alternative G8 playlist last week, as one of the Best of British at the moment. If you had to do your own picks, who would you have?

Did you?! Cheers! That’s a good question. I think I’d probably go for Sivu, whose worked with Charlie who I’ve worked with too. It’s a really different sort of music, so I think that would be a good, varied, up and coming artist. Bit obvious, but I’ve just come off tour with Laura Marling, so she’d be a good staple.

Cheers Marika! Enjoy End of the Road, hope that bird shit isn’t too difficult to get out.


Weekend tickets for End of the Road are still available at £175. You can buy them, and see who else is playing here.

Follow Tamara Roper on Twitter: @tamararoper