This story is over 5 years old.


SXSW: Day Three - Sasha

We saw some great bands, we had our house broken into by a 350lb redneck who ate all our lemons. You win some, you lose some.

Here we are! Day Three of SXSW AKA just over the hump AKA it is a miracle that I am still alive and am somehow planning on keeping this up for three more days. A few hours ago, Noisey Editor-in-Chief/one of the world's top five living human males Ben Shapiro told me (in the nicest way) that he could tell by the progression of my SXSW coverage that I'm unraveling a bit. Ben is absolutely right, but I prefer to view it as a "good" kind of unraveling, where you look at the end result and say, "Oh, cool! Look at all this loose yarn I can now turn into a variety of knitted crafts…"


Anyway, all I really have to show for my SXSW experience are these recaps and a weird sunburn in the one splotch of my forehead that isn't covered by bangs, so here's my breakdown of Day Three:

How Did it Start?

Four strange burly men setting our nonfunctioning air conditioner on fire.

Best Band I Saw:

Amber Coffman Guesting on Major Lazer @ VICELAND

I realize this is kind of cheating, but so long as my name is in the byline, I make the rules. Long story short, Dirty Projectors' Amber Coffman is an angel from Heaven. She joined Major Lazer onstage at VICELAND for the first ever live performance of her guest vox hook on "Get Free," and it made me unabashedly, uncharacteristically excited about a set that would otherwise be classified as "EDM"—which is not an easy feat, let me tell you.

Best Show I Saw:

@ A Bridge Somewhere

SXSW is not about eating free Taco Bell while waiting in line for four hours to see a band with a song in an American Express commercial. SXSW is about walking 20 minutes outside of downtown Austin at 2AM to see some bands you've heard about through a friend play a DIY show in the middle of a random bridge to an audience of everyone from adventurous label execs to crust punks and their sad dogs. Destruction Unit was great in a way that made me feel insane. I have no idea what this band looks like (seeing as they were enveloped by one of the wildest mosh pits I've seen in a while) or, really, what they actually sound like (seeing as pop-up punk shows don't feature the best sound systems), but I do know that while they were playing, I felt like I was going to pass out and die, so that's pretty cool.


Best Thing I Put in My Body:

Oh God, I just realized I've forgotten to eat since Wednesday afternoon.

Tweet I Drafted But Never Sent:

Realizing that my hating on SXSW/hating on people who hate on SXSW dichotomy just boils down to the fact that I hate people.

Number of Days in a Row I Have Accidentally Worn My Underwear Backwards:

Number of Lemons We Had After the Nice Burning Man Organizers Staying Next Door Decided to Give Us Their Leftover Food:

Too many

Number of Lemons We Had After a 350lb Redneck Broke into Our House and Ate Our Food:


Amount of Time 350lb Redneck Was Eating Lemons in Our House Before Someone Discovered Him:


How Did it End?

It hasn't.

Sasha knows she promised she'd go to your showcase, but she totally forgot. Sorry. Follow her on Twitter - @sashahecht