Dad Is So Psyched His Son Scored His First NHL Goal


This story is over 5 years old.


Dad Is So Psyched His Son Scored His First NHL Goal

Jiri Sekac score his first NHL goal tonight and his dad lost his mind celebrating. Jiri Sekac has a cool dad.

Canadiens 22-year-old rookie Jiri Sekac scored his first NHL goal tonight against the Bruins and his family was lucky enough to see it in person. His dad, in particular, was so fired up for his son's first goal that he didn't know what to do with himself. He leapt up, shouting in delight, and after vibrating in place, looking around with his clenched fists raised in triumph, he eventually embraced and kissed his daughter (probably?). Good for you, dad. Revel your ass off.

Oh, and here's the goal he was so primed about:

h/t The Score