This story is over 5 years old.


Style Stage's Headhunter College Tour: New Jersey

Dear College Guys, Where are you? At Rutgers the guys stayed on their porches, but the girls were game to try their luck and audition as the host of Headhunter.

Dear College Guys, Where are you? If there’s one thing we’ve learnt while touring the country in search of hosts for our Headhunter show it’s that girls are way more comfortable getting up and talking down the barrel of the lens. Dudes? Not so much. They need coercing. Sometimes they need to be chased down the street and wrangled into the bus to have their hair styled ahead of their audition. Which is crazy when you think that we're basically offering two people the chance to travel around America's music festivals this summer to interview attractive randoms about music, hair, and style.


At Rutgers we did manage to locate some men. They were sitting on the porches of the frats which lined the main street. This is called porch sitting— which we realize is a thing that people do in the summer—we just didn’t realize it was a thing that's big at fraternities. We discovered this by asking. These boys did not leave the porch, but that was really okay by us.

Ultimately we got some good entries and met a couple of girls who were definitely part of some dance team because they spent a lot of time enthusiastically doing routines in the Garnier Fructis gif. both. It was impressive. Here are some of the people we talked to.

Name: Adrianna Schwarz
Age: 21
Area of Study: Communications
Music Icon: Stevie Nicks and Beyonce. There’s a uniqueness to their style that I try and bring into my own.
Why would you be a good host of Headhunter?
I’m super friendly and I can make conversation with anybody. I’d love to talk to other people to find out where their inspiration comes from. It would be such a great experience! I would be so excited if I got chosen!

Name: Jihan Dempster
Age: 22
Area of Study: Journalism
Music Icon: Gwen Stefani, Solange, Jay-Z and Kanye.
Why would you be a good host of Headhunter?
I’m really exciting, I like to document stuff and I’m really big on social media, so I think I could use that and what I’ve learnt at journalism school and apply it to Headhunter.

Name: Laurena Fasilla
Age: 20
Area of Study: Communications and Resource Management.
Music Icon: Rihanna. She started off in the game very young and tame, but as she learned more about herself she became more wild and free with with her personal style and it definitely shows in her music.
Why would you be a good host of Headhunter?
Style and music are a huge part of our generation and it affects a lot of what we do and who we are. I’m crazy, I’m wild, and I’m not afraid to speak my mind and say what’s up. Also, I love to listen to new music and talk about it!


Name: Damani Adadevoh
Age: 19
Area of Study: Marketing, Philosophy and Religion.
Music Icon: Hip-hop is really interesting because it used to be all about being a gangster rapper and now it’s all about being well dressed and showing you have style in addition to your music. A$AP Rocky’s a good example—he’s done stuff with Vera Wang. When I was little I thought I was Usher.
Why would you be a good host of Headhunter?
I should be the host because I’m very social I run a streetwear blog so I'm super into the idea of this and I’m familiar with camera work and videography. I love concerts and I'm really into hip-hop and R&B. You guys found the right guy. Finally!

The moral of this recap is: tell all your friends about Headhunter. If you’re not going to make it to University of California in Riverside on April 24, then you have just over a week to send in your online audition to be considered as one of the hosts for this show.

Go to Now.

Style Stage is an ongoing partnership between Noisey & Garnier Fructis celebrating music, hair, and style.