This story is over 5 years old.


'Tis the Season for Holiday Heartbreak With Christian d'Or's "This Is My Gift to You"

The latest from Copenhagen's disco king sizzles with saxophone magic and the sound of broken hearts.

It's a tale as old as time: boy meets girl, boy dates girl, then girl gets her delicate little heart smashed to smithereens as her sweetheart abandons her for another. That's not exactly how it all goes down in the John Hughes-authored 80s classic, Some Kind of Wonderfulbut that's the version of the story you get in Christian d'Or's latest video for "This Is My Gift to You". The Copenhagen-based DJ/musician's latest is entirely based on respliced scenes of the film; as a result, the vibe is gloriously nostalgic for those All-American high school love stories from the 80s—with music that fits that exact spirit, too.

Written, recorded and produced in partnership with Vinnie Who, the song is about 'giving your partner the gift of truth and freedom in a relationship filled with lies'. Christian expresses that message with the kinds of crooning vocals that make you imagine a man belting his heart out from the depths of a Vegas casino, probably while wearing a velvet suit and clutching a White Russian. Coupled with the sizzling saxophone lines and delightfully campy, twinkling synths, the track feels like an ode to syrupy-sweet, heart-tugging music canonized in 80s pop culture—but that's not a bad thing.

Bottom line is, "This Is My Gift to You" is an excellent, slow burner of a track. So this holiday season, indulge in Christian d'Or's gift to you: a healthy dose of ooey-gooey heartbreak and unrequited love, served up sweet and smooth like honey for your ears.

If you're craving more from Christian d'Or, prepare yourself for more sultry smoothness soon: he's releasing an EP, 'Tough Soul', in Spring of 2016.