This story is over 5 years old.


Kelley Deal Has a New Band

We’ve never seen Kelley make music without her sister, but now she is back with her two-piece act R. Ring, and it is beautiful.

The Deal sisters—I love them.

Kim Deal and her identical twin sister Kelley Deal are 90s icons of Ohio-bred cool that no one expected.

Kim carved a name for herself playing bass in the Pixies and becoming one of rock 'n’ roll’s most beloved punks. (Come on, who else wears sweat pants and a Rush t-shirt on stage while smoking cigarette after cigarette and singing like an angel? She’s so cool, it’s scary.)

Kelley stayed a little more off the mainstream radar. She was offered to be the drummer of the Pixies when Kim joined, but she decided to move to California instead. In 1992, she learned the guitar when she joined her sister’s band The Breeders.

With The Breeders, Kim and Kelley wrote some of the best pop songs of the 90s. Even to this day, when I hear the song “Do You Love Me Now?” from Last Splash, I get all choked up inside. Try to listen to the song “Huffer” and not want to bounce around the room smiling like an idiot. I dare you.

We’ve never seen Kelley make music without her sister, but now she is back with her two-piece act R. Ring, and it is beautiful.

Read the rest and listen to a track over at NOISEY.