This story is over 5 years old.


When Merchandise Sings "No You And Me," You Will Believe Them

The latest Merchandise track isn't just good, it's their best yet

There is a certain romanticism that comes along with Merchandise. Maybe its the Brian Ferry-like crooning by the charming and good-looking Carson Cox, but I'd be willing to bet it's the catchy, expansive songwriting that seems so epicly heartbroken. Dudes can write songs and get better and better with every release; Children of Desire had some burners, but their follow-up EP and now this three-way split with Milk Music and Destruction Unit show a band in progression.


"No You and Me" is one of two songs contributed by Merchandise for the three-way split on 540 Records. It could be their greatest recording to date, and is definitely one of the best songs of the year. Stream that below.