You ever think about what would happen if Jawbreaker reunited today? I think about it all the time (I don’t get out much). They’d probably play some giant festival like Coachella and everyone you know would scramble to profess their long-standing Jawbreaker love. Facebook feeds would run wild with free-flowing statuses wrought with OMGs, OMFGs, and the ever-coveted ZOMGs while not-so-subtly implying how much bigger of a fan the posters are than you. eBay sales of vintage Jawbreaker shirts (the 4F logo, not the Morton Salt one which you can buy anywhere, get real dude) would soar. Pitchfork’s servers would outright melt. Once the first chords actually rang out, people would lose their fucking minds. But back in 1995, when Jawbreaker was an actual band, that wasn’t the case.
The folks at Washed Up Emo have unearthed this nearly 20-year-old video of the band playing a full set at Cal State Fullerton on November 21, 1995 and man, they were NOT met the reception they’d likely get today. If you’d like to see the back of 50 very bored-looking heads while Blake and co. run through “Boxcar,” “Accident Prone,” and the rest of the hits, this is the video for you. Actually, “bored” is an understatement—someone should look into whether or not there was some sort of gas leak there. If only smartphones had existed, we’d get to read the hashtags full of snark. Man, the 90s were a cool time to be apathetic.
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So when Jawbreaker finally do announce a reunion, and your 40-year-old buddy who went to Fullerton tries to tell you, “Duuuuude, I’m so stoked! I saw that band in ‘95,” you can pull this video up and remind him that while he definitely did see them in ‘95, he also looked bored as shit.
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Credit: Brian Cox -
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