This story is over 5 years old.


Things "CMJ" Could Stand for Other Than "College Music Journal"

Including, "Candy? Me Jealous," "Country Music Jamboree," and "Cumulative Media Jerkoff."

Country Music Jamboree
Carol Murdered John
Correct Menswear Jokes
Curiously Macho Jennifer
Complete Monster Jams
Can't. Mom's a Jerk.
Creatine. Muscles. Joy.
Complex Media Jokes
Candy? Me Jealous.
Cute, Mr. Jeter
Comfortingly Managing Junk
Control Mascis, J.
Cena, Marshall John
Cool Man-Jorts
CaraManica, Jon
Check Mate, Jezebel
Cumulative Media Jerkoff Drew Millard and Ezra Marcus are Noisey staffers. Find them on Twitter - @drewmillard, @ezra_marc
