
Premiere: Wolf Alice – “Giant Peach”

“Giant Peach” is a pretty heavy track. Probably not the sort of tune you would expect to soundtrack a four and a half minute skit staring Keith from the Office, but that’s exactly what Wolf Alice have done—and it actually really works.

The video plays out like some Gus Van Sant, Armando Iannucci collab. British comedy actor Tony Gardner, who you will possibly recognize from The Thick of It (or will definitely recognise from My Parents Are Aliens), plays the band’s over-zealous but completely shit tour manager. He books the band a gig at a working mens club, before getting them dressed up in Robin Hood garms for a schlocky video within the video. Maybe this shouldn’t work, but it genuinely manages to be funny while also supplying the band with plenty of opportunities for tongue splayed sleaze and guitar gyration.

Videos by VICE

The video comes in anticipation of Wolf Alice’s debut album, My Love Is Cool, out on 6.23. They have just shared the album artwork which you can see above, and you can also preorder the album from 3.17.

Wolf Alice are on Twitter // Facebook // Soundcloud