This story is over 5 years old.


Listen to Mansions on the Moon's "Full Moon"

Let's make out.

Here we are, in the post-Labor Day haze of summer that makes us reflect on the past few months of our lives, the new friends we've made, the late nights we've had, and the regrets we no longer regret (but still probably should). It's the perfect temperature outside—warm, but not hot; cool, but not cold—and the ideal time to sit around in a circle and talk about what it all means, man. And now, Noisey is premiering Mansion on the Moon's "Full Moon," a hazy, fluttery track that's the perfect soundtrack for the Big Questions that the dog days often bring. Also, with lyrics like "you are the best day of my life," this is definitely a really good make-out song.


Mansions on the Moon's EP Full Moon is out September 18th.