
Introducing IYVES and Swoony New Track “Wilinout”

Finding an artist moniker that sounds cool and hasn’t been taken is tough. Boulder-born, Brooklyn-based singer HΛNΛH first made waves last year with her tune twitchy tune “Out of Touch,” but now she’s shedding this nom de plume and rising again as IYVES and below is her first track in this incarnation. A collaboration with bubbling up producer Luca Buccellati (Tei Shi, Yellerkin), “Wilinout” is a finger-click cool, R&B-pop, girl-choir-floating-in-the-outer-reaches-of-the-galaxy kinda cut.

“While writing ‘Wilinout’ I wanted to tap into an old school R&B/soul melody and bring a nostalgic sensibility to the song,” explains IYVES. “I wrote this song during a pivotal time in a relationship. It’s that moment where you realize that a change needs to happen, but something is holding you back. Sometimes the fear of change can paralyze you and this song is discovering that state of being in between.”

Well if anything will soothe that panicked romantic paralysis it’s this little number.

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