The Fat White Family’s latest LP is, in their own words, “an invitation, sent by misery, to dance to the beat of human hatred.” So I guess that’s why the first single from Songs for Our Mothers, called “Whitest Boy on the Beach” is perhaps the first release from the band the extends a proposition to get your feet moving like a running man, to jerk your head backward and forward, to throw a drink over your fellow man and oscillate wildly into the night with reckless abandon. Where the last record was a “spasmodic outpouring of disdain,” the band say this new one will take the listener from “the blinding white heat of a midday Mediterranean shore, to the embattled boudoir of Ike and Tina Turner, from the clotted grey droll of Dr Harold Shipmans waiting room, to the final hours of the Third Reich in the Berlin bunker.” Listen below.
Songs for Our Mothers is out on the band’s own Without Consent label on Friday, January 22, 2016. The band play the Fat White Krustmass Party at South London’s Bussey Building on Thursday, December 10.
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