Lola Colt's New Video For "Diamonds" Is Like a Drug-Hazed Rendez-Vous

Lola Colt’s New Video For “Diamonds” Is Like a Drug-Hazed Rendez-Vous

“Diamonds” is a psychedelic, reverb heavy track by Lola Colt, a UK band readying the release of their Vacant Hearts EP for June 3. The slow burn of “Diamonds” is sexy yet hypnotic, kind of like that time you got all hopped up on drugs and met someone on the sneak tip, only to have them disappear into the night before the hallucinogens wore off. That’s OK, you still had a great time during the ride.

Produced by Jim Sclavunos (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Sonic Youth, Grinderman, The Cramps), the song is the second single from the band from the release. Check out the title track.

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