This story is over 5 years old.


Listen to The Echo Friendly's New Song "Panic"

When two bandmates are lovers and that love goes south, what do you do? Man up and write a bunch of songs, duh.

The Echo Friendly made a little splash last year when the pair's song "Same Mistakes" —about living your life in a relationship rewind-repeat-rewind cycle—ended up on the first season of HBO's Girls. A hazy, late night gem, it really reveled in its state of arrested development.

On "Panic," their first release since then, members Jake Rabinbach and Shannon Esper appear to be in a more chipper mood. Well, relatively. In truth, the breezy goodness here is delivered via the song's primary hook: a guitar line that speaks of carefree days and sun-filtered movie montages. The lyrics tell another story—they're spiked with anxiety about the best days being behind them, opportunity lost in the slipstream.

It's a bittersweet taster from the Brooklyn-based duo's debut LP (out Spring 2014), a collection which apparently "chronicles an often ambiguous friendship fraught with tension and second-guessing over the difficulty of staying close to someone with whom you used to be closer." Which means, yes, Jake and Shannon used to be lovers and now they're using their emotional turmoil for lyrical grist. You can even feel it in their press shot, above. Can't wait to see how this story unfolds…