Kita's Debut Song "My Own Way" Is Pretty Much Perfect

Kita’s Debut Song “My Own Way” Is Pretty Much Perfect

Here’s the skinny on Kita: She’s a 19-year-old surfer girl from Brisbane, Australia whose been playing guitar since she was in single digits, and she looks like model of the moment Gigi Hadid. That last bit is just an aside, but with her long blonde hair and cerulean eyes, it’s true! More importantly though, this debut song, “My Own Way” is killer. Like Stevie Nicks dancing by candelight with Suzanne Vega while Lorde looks on. The video—which dropped today—features largely sun-bleached footage of Kita surfing, hanging with her friends, and generally looking like she’s having the summer we wish we were all partaking in RIGHT NOW, instead of sitting in front of monitor.

Listen to this, book that road trip with your friends, and leave the screen behind!

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