This story is over 5 years old.


Yes, Si, Ja, Oui, HELL Yeah: There's a New Jeremih Song Called "oui"

There's no "we" without you and I. Get it?

Yes, Jeremih is one of our greatest living musical treasures. Sí, él tiene una nueva canción llamada "oui." Oui, c'est la meilleure chose du monde.

"Oui," of course, is French for "yes," which is the only appropriate reaction to new Jeremih. It also sounds like "we," which of course you can't have without you and I, which conveniently are two letters you need to spell "oui." Yes, that is brilliant. Yes, to reiterate, Jeremih is one of our greatest living musical treasures. This song is incredible. Check it out below:

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