This story is over 5 years old.


I Want My MTL: Each Other

Every city needs its own Animal Collective, right?

Remember back in high school, when every band from your school sounded like either Pearl Jam or Dave Mathews Band? What ever happened to them? Well, for the most part, they either got really into rock climbing, or they started a new band as soon as they got into art school. This is why virtually every city in North America with a decent enough arts program has people that have read lots of "parts" of lots of books and play in your local version of Animal Collective.


Montreal is usually the odd one out when it comes to North America. We speak French half of the time, our bagels are small and look like badly made vegan donuts, and school is about 50 times cheaper than the US. However, when it comes to having our local Animal Collective, we're just like everybody else. We have Each Other. I mean, we have a band called Each Other. And you know what? I'm fine with it, because I liked Animal Collective at some point, and Each Other sounds at least 10 times more likely to beat you up over something stupid than their Baltimore counterparts, which is exactly what you want in an art school band.
