
Getting Weird… With Kickball Katy – Gotye & Minimalist Footwear

This week, while running errands around Los Angeles, I saw three separate people running barefoot down the sidewalk. Each time, my thought process was the same. “Fuck, why is this insane person chasing me?” turned to “Oh fuck, who is chasing this poor, shoeless person?” Eventually, I landed on “Oh fuck, is this person exercising?!”

So barefoot running is a real thing in the world, complete with it’s own Wikipedia page. According to Harvard University, “barefoot and minimally shod people can run easily on the hardest surfaces in the world without discomfort from landing” (emphasis mine, for comedic effect).

Videos by VICE

But guys, we aren’t at the beach or in the wilderness – we’re in Echo Park. These sidewalks are covered with sharp, dangerous human excrement! “Our street poop will cut your feet” is practically our city motto. Sunset Avenue is not a place to demonstrate caveman skills, it’s a place to buy delicious burritos, so put some shoes on.

Being a super fair, down-for-whatever kinda gal, I didn’t want to totally hate on barefoot running without giving it a chance. So today, I decided to head down to Sunset and try it out. I didn’t exercise – I just walked to the exact spot I saw one of the runners this past week and stood there for 10 full seconds, feet to concrete. Afterwards, I decided that I am right about hating this activity and will never attempt it again. (PS: What kind of diseases/infections could I have possibly contracted doing this? Put all possible options in comments section, please and thank you.)

A different footwear trend that is even worse is the popularity of “toe shoes.” This is the only running shoe that is more embarrassing than wearing no shoes at all. People walking around town, in and out of your favorite establishments, wearing shoes that have separated toes like it’s NOT the worst thing in the world. Hey, I get it, they are better for your feet somehow (via Science), but please don’t make me watch.

I guess I don’t really have room to complain, since these people are just jogging around, getting exercise and being healthy while I’m stuck in a tour van sitting on my ass all day. Perhaps if I used my feet more, I might also have a desire to maximize my toe agility. But if your footwear lifestyle determines your footwear deathstyle, I would rather go out wearing some moccasins or Keds or something.


What does Gotye have to do with the minimalist footwear movement? His preference for minimalist instrumentation, of course! In a world where every pop song is now packed full of guitars, synths, horns, strings, harmonies, air horns, and earth-shaking low end, Gotye came along and made everyone question the modern more-is-more philosophy.

Can we say that Gotye is the “barefoot running” of modern music? Maybe, but I’m not going to think any more about this. I really don’t take myself that seriously (yet).

Previously – How I Got My Nickname

You should listen to all of Katy’s music – she’s in the Vivian Girls and La Sera. La Sera’s Sees The Light is out now on Hardly Art – you can pick it up right here. Follow her Twitter too: @iamkatygoodman