This story is over 5 years old.


Courtney Love Wants To Take Nirvana To Broadway

Is this for real? It's Courtney, so we have no way of knowing.

Sometimes it’s hard to take everything Courtney Love says seriously. Because, like a teenager whose dog ate their homework she tells a tall tale sometimes. The most recent tall tale? That she is working on a Nirvana Broadway musical.

According to New York Daily News, Love’s current manager Sam Lutfi revealed that he and Love “are currently working on a possible motion picture or Broadway musical based on the Nirvana catalogue, based on her life and Kurt Cobain’s.” Lutfi exposed this juicy (and crazy) piece of creative gossip while under oath testifying in a defamation case against his former client Britney Spears. (So, you know the guy must be reliable right? You can’t lie under oath. God will, like, get you.)

Love has been talking about a Nirvana movie for-ev-er. Remember when she went on The View nearly 3 years ago and hummed and hawed over which celebrity would play her late husband? However, nothing has every materialized besides Gus Van Sant’s Last Days. A Nirvana movie, fine, but a Broadway musical? How would that even happen? It also seems like if this started to materialize into something real, the other members of the late grunge band and Frances Bean Cobain (who apparently now is heir to the Nirvana estate) would have to be involved? Who knows?

If Billy Joe Armstrong can make a Green Day musical, why can’t Courtney Love turn the Nirvana legacy into a 2-hour long theatrical show tune? “Grunge: The Musical." We’ll believe it when we see it.