It’s about to be summertime which means that it’s that time of year when you’ll need to find someone to lay down in the grass at the park with and you’ll also need perfect make out music because you’ll also be making out a lot with that someone who’s laying with you in the park. Lucky for you, Nick Bassett of Whirr and Nothing has teamed with Alexandra Morte, the former vocalist of Whirr, to form Camera Shy, who have decided to provide the perfect music for making out. You can stream their first single “Spin Me” below, which sounds like sunshine on your face. Seriously. Push play, make out, and then Instagram a selfie of you and your make out buddy and all of your friends will like it and be jealous. Just be sure to choose Valencia, because that filter is fucking dope.
READ MORE: Whirr Wants You to Fuck Off
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