
Bret Easton Ellis Talks to Kanye West About Movies, And Everything Else, On His Podcast

Kanye West and Bret Easton Ellis have become really, really good friends.

Maybe not as close as like, Virgil and Kanye—or Bruce Jenner and Kanye—but Bret’s been working with Kanye over the past year quite a bit. First, the two collaborated on Kanye’s American Psycho-spoof trailer for Yeezus and then Kanye worked on The Canyons trailer. They’ve got a “future film project” in the works, too.

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Well, Bret’s got a new podcast that he launched today, with special guest Mr. West. The two talkalk about “movies, culture, fame, and being 14 again.” And guess what? It’s only the first fucking part.

“If I were to write my title going through the airport and you have to put down what you do, I would literally write creative genius—except for two reasons: sometimes it takes too long to write that and sometimes I spell the word ‘genius’ wrong. The irony,” he said.

Kanye talks about “emotionalism” and tapping into what he was interested in at 14 years old to create now. “I find myself now—when there’s a pop moment—like say the TV show Breaking Bad. Literally, me and my girl sat up in a hotel and had some days off and we said, ‘Look let’s just go ahead and watch this so we can be like normal human beings.”

Kanye talks about “Flashing Lights” being his favorite music video, as well as the movie, 12 Years a Slave which Bret says he didn’t enjoy as much as Pacific Rim. “For me, I felt like the main character in what I’m dealing with even as a mega popular rich celebrity, ‘fuck you who do you think you are to complain about anything’ situation I’m in,’ or in the past when I’ve dealt with attempting to create in other fields, or clothing.”

Stream it here.

Update: Kanye’s been doing the media rounds this week during his Yeezus tour but today, Bret Easton Ellis has released the second part of his podcast with Ye. You can stream the second part here. The two talk about DONDA’s future along with Elon Rutberg, being a solutionist, and more.